Saturday, August 4, 2007
Oils '07
We like the oils when they move one standard deviation below their respective 90-day means. We don't want to wait until they move two standard deviations below their respective means -- if they do, we'll buy more. We'll sell only once these issues move significantly beyond two standard deviations above their mean prices.
If you bought the oils when we said to in January, you would have made 50% on oil service and 27% on large oils by the time we said to get out in late June.
We saw a great opportunity to get into the oil issues back on January 16. In fact, that week's issue of the DYR Report was titled "Oil Opportunity." We said: "The rotation out of oils and into techs has been almost too perfect. Nasdaq 100 (NDX) has rallied back into Zone 5 as the oil service indexes have slipped into Zone 2. Both groups are due for a little reversion to the mean. But we'd buy the oils before we'd sell the techs." More: "Three months ago, the DYR Oil Sectors also made Zone 2. Two months later, those DYR Sectors were solidly in Zone 6." At the time, the Oil (XOI) index was at 1,11o and the Oil Service (OSX) index was at 185.
We noted the strength in the oils as the year progressed, but we didn't really issue a sell signal until the entire stock market turned down in June. On June 25, we wrote: "All of the broad-based indexes have pulled back into Zone 4. The oil indexes remain in Zone 6. Gas prices have declined recently. If the oils pull back too, we'd buy them again at 90-day neutral. There's still a war in Iraq. But the market has rallied right along with the oils, so we'd expect it to pull back with them as well." At the time, Oil (XOI) was at 1,412 and Oil Service (OSX) was at 278.
The gain in XOI was 27% and the gain in OSX was 50%. Send us an email and we'll send you a report that contains all of our comments about the oils so far this year.
If you bought the oils when we said to in January, you would have made 50% on oil service and 27% on large oils by the time we said to get out in late June.
We saw a great opportunity to get into the oil issues back on January 16. In fact, that week's issue of the DYR Report was titled "Oil Opportunity." We said: "The rotation out of oils and into techs has been almost too perfect. Nasdaq 100 (NDX) has rallied back into Zone 5 as the oil service indexes have slipped into Zone 2. Both groups are due for a little reversion to the mean. But we'd buy the oils before we'd sell the techs." More: "Three months ago, the DYR Oil Sectors also made Zone 2. Two months later, those DYR Sectors were solidly in Zone 6." At the time, the Oil (XOI) index was at 1,11o and the Oil Service (OSX) index was at 185.
We noted the strength in the oils as the year progressed, but we didn't really issue a sell signal until the entire stock market turned down in June. On June 25, we wrote: "All of the broad-based indexes have pulled back into Zone 4. The oil indexes remain in Zone 6. Gas prices have declined recently. If the oils pull back too, we'd buy them again at 90-day neutral. There's still a war in Iraq. But the market has rallied right along with the oils, so we'd expect it to pull back with them as well." At the time, Oil (XOI) was at 1,412 and Oil Service (OSX) was at 278.
The gain in XOI was 27% and the gain in OSX was 50%. Send us an email and we'll send you a report that contains all of our comments about the oils so far this year.
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